viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021

 Interest and abilities to enter to the Gastronomy career 

To enter the gastronomy career you must have a taste for cooking, you must learn to work as a team, you must have the best observation and analysis of the dishes, have good hygiene both in person and in the kitchen and food, have perseverance.


You must be able to learn and then spread the acquired culinary techniques, also have the facility to innovate, merge and create a new gastronomic proposal.

Apart from everything also what you must have is:



Order andcleanlines 

Good plate

Good Sense of aesthetics 



 5 beneficios de estudiar Gastronomía - Mundo ETAC

5 comentarios:

  1. I liked how you specified that you need to have the taste for cooking and that in addition to that you put what is required in a professional kitchen.

  2. How would you define speed?. Cooking is complicated but what about the end? all those scars are worth it

  3. I completely agree with your information, I liked it.

  4. I think that you are correct with what you say.
